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Home Blown-in Insulation & Gutter Solutions
13 November 2012
We may have had some warm weather over the weekend, but now winter is here to stay, which means it’s time to prepare your home for the cold. It may cost some time and money, but winterizing will be worth it in the long run.
If you can keep the heat in your house, it’s going to keep the money in your pocket.
According to the Department of Energy, winterizing can save homeowners as much as 25% on heating costs. In Worcester, it costs quite a bit to heat a house all winter, so 25% can really add up. Ensuring your home has the proper insulation is well worth the time and money.
Checking attic and crawl spaces for adequate insulation is key. Most heat loss results from heat leaving your home out of the attic and roof.
For help insulating your home, contact Custom Insulation.
Excerpts WHOTV