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Custom Insulation Boston Worcester Blog

Attic Insulation: A Cost-Effective Means to Help Your Home Heating Become More Energy-Efficient - Boston, Worcester, MA

17 December 2014

When considering adding insulation to your home, there is always the question as to which part would be most efficient. The answer can be different from one home to another. But more often than not, heat loss typically occurs through the roof of the home.

Hot air rises, cool air falls. For this reason, sufficient attic insulation is very important in Boston. When considering home insulation, the attic is the perfect place to start to prevent hot air from escaping through the roof. By properly insulating your attic and other parts of your house, your home heating equipment will be more effective and use less energy to heat your living space.

Blown-in insulation in Boston, MA is best used in finished wall spaces and attics. When the ceilings, floors, roofs, and walls are unfinished, then the blanket insulation is often used. An insulation specialist will know which insulation is best to use in the unique case of your home.

With the right insulation in the ceiling, you can be certain that your home will be more energy efficient in the cold weather. For more details about installing home insulation, contact the Custom Insulation Company, Inc.

Adding Home Insulation to Antique Homes May Require an Inspection - Boston, Worcester, MA

9 December 2014

If you live in an antique home, you may need to add additional insulation to the attic, walls and crawl spaces in order to make your home more energy efficient. Adding home insulation is very important for cutting down on energy bills, and for maintaining a comfortable indoor temperature. Air leaks happen when certain parts of your home are not adequately sealed and insulated. This is a common issue to older homes which is why additional home insulation is needed in them. But what is done with existing insulation?

Home insulation used to be comprised of corncobs, newspapers, wood shavings, or other similar materials. These early insulation materials can be left in place when more modern insulation is added. Only home insulation containing asbestos and urea-formaldehyde create a concern in older houses. If you don’t know what type of insulation is in your antique home, it is best to hire a specialist to inspect the existing insulation to see what it contains. If the insulation contains asbestos which is a carcinogenic, a complete removal of the insulation is required by a licensed removal company or you may choose to encapsulate the material if removing it is too intrusive. Urea-formaldehyde is a health hazard when it emits noxious gases which is why it was discontinued.

The appropriate amount of home insulation in Worcester, MA helps cut down on energy expenses and increases the value of your home. But in the case of older and antique homes, inspections are very important in order to determine the right material to be used when adding insulation. For more information about how to have additional insulation installed in your antique house, contact Custom Insulation Company, Inc.

Blown-in Insulation Cuts Heat Loss in Attics of Older Homes - Boston, Worcester, MA

1 December 2014

The common places at home where heat is usually lost are at the attic floor, roof, and walls, making them a great target for additional insulation. Adding home insulation, particularly in the attic of older homes, is important if you want to cut down on heat loss.

Warm air that is needed in winter can leak from a multitude of areas in an old house. Primarily, heat loss happens through the top of the house where it rises and escape through a roof that has insufficient insulation. In return, cold air is allowed to creep in making your house too cold, specifically when there is a drastic drop in temperature. Without adequate attic insulation not only will you suffer from chilly nights but also from the high energy expense resulting from your efforts to keep your living area comfortable during extremely cold weather conditions.

Keeping older houses warm can be tricky. Older materials which were originally used for insulation may have deteriorated over time, and the energy efficiency of more modern materials has improved dramatically. Today, there are energy-saving and cost-effective options to control the heat flow, such as blown-in insulation in Boston, MA. This can be the least invasive and most efficient method of adding insulation in your old home.

To find out more about your home insulation options, contact Custom Insulation Company, Inc.

Blown-in Insulation Makes Your Home More Comfortable and Less Costly to Heat - Boston, Worcester, MA

24 November 2014

During the winter, your attic plays a vital role in maintaining the most appropriate indoor air quality and temperature in your home. For this reason, it is important to ensure that the attic has the recommended level of attic insulation in, Worcester, MA.

With energy costs as high as they are, it is important to find ways to help save on energy, while at the same time helping the environment. Attic insulation can significantly reduce your energy consumption when it comes to heating your home during winter. If done correctly, attic insulation will immediately form a seal which will protect your home against heat loss.

Adding attic insulation is proven to make your home more comfortable and less costly to heat in the winter and cool in the summer. Too much air leakage caused by insufficient insulation will require your home to use more energy to maintain such comfortable temperatures in extremely cold weather conditions. But with effective and efficient blown-in insulation in your attic, this issue can be solved.

This investment pays for itself over time and allows you to enjoy the snow instead of dreading the next winter storm. For more details, contact a Custom Insulation specialist.

Adding Attic Insulation: a Smart Way to Use Your Home Improvement Budget - Boston, Worcester, MA

18 November 2014

Adding home insulation is a cost-effective way to winter-proof your home in Boston. With energy prices rising, you want to make sure that your roof is insulated properly to prevent heat loss and cut down on your heating expenses.

There are many ways to improve a home and make it less expensive and more comfortable to live in. Adding or replacing attic insulation is a smart way to use your home improvement budget. As a result, it helps you save on energy consumption because it helps create a thermal barrier between the heated living area and the outdoors.

Additional insulation will absolutely pay for itself over time and will keep you warm and comfortable throughout the winter. Because attic insulation in Boston, MA is such a huge investment for most people, only those skilled in home insulation should be the one hired to complete this particular home improvement.

Adding home insulation is proven to increase the desirability of your humble abode as it helps to minimize the heat loss in your room and help it stay warmer for longer periods. To find out more on how to save on your home heating expenses with the use of the right home insulation, contact Custom Insulation.

Gutter Systems Offer a Worry-Free Winter - Boston, Worcester, MA

11 November 2014

Your gutter system is a part of a system which helps move water and other debris away from your roof and home. It helps make sure that water does not settle and cause decay or mold, thereby protecting your home from corresponding damages.

Gutter systems in Worcester, MA are composed of a series of interconnected troughs. They play an important role in channeling water away from your home and depositing it a safe distance from your home's foundation. Protecting your home from water damage means protecting it from mold and mildew that can weaken it’s integrity.

As the days get shorter and the weather gets colder, it is important not to ignore the need for a home gutter system. Having a gutter system helps prevent water damage that can cause serious issues in your home. As a result, you will have a worry-free winter knowing that the water will not cause damage to your home, inside or out.

By having your home gutter system professionally installed, your backyard, roof, and home will be free from water damage caused by the improper drainage of the melted snow and may cause injuries to people.

To find out more about residential gutter systems, contact Custom Insulation.

Blown-in Insulation Helps Reduce the Risk of Wasting Energy in Your Home - Boston, Worcester, MA

3 November 2014

Air leaks and inadequate insulation at home mean one thing---you are letting cold air into your home. Given this, your house is at increased risk of energy waste and other long-term damages. That is why it is a good idea to be sure that you have effective attic insulation which acts as an air and moisture barrier.

Blown-in insulation is installed in an attic to reduce the loss of warm air due to air leaks and inadequate insulation. During cold weather the warm air that leaks into the attic gives up moisture as it hits a cold surface. This results in dampness which can cause molds growth. To prevent this, an insulation specialist can make sure all leaks are sealed before the installation of the additional attic insulation.

Blown-in insulation in Boston, MA makes your home more comfortable and livable. With this small investment you can feel the difference. The right amount of insulation helps control the movement of air and moisture. A properly insulated home is less expensive to heat and cool. Insulating your attic with blown-in insulation allows your home to achieve optimal energy efficiency this winter. You no longer need to consume too much energy in order to heat your home, especially during those biting cold nights.

For new insulation adding insulation to your existing attic, it is always practical to hire an insulation specialist. For more details, contact Custom Insulation.

Blown-in Insulation Fixes Attic Air Leaks for a Warm Winter - Boston, Worcester, MA

27 October 2014

Insufficient or inadequate insulation does not allow you to have a comfortable and energy-efficient home. The official arrival of fall marks the perfect time to hire a custom insulation specialist to inspect your home attic insulation. It is also important to have an energy audit performed so you will have an accurate diagnosis on the efficiency of your attic which is a big factor in deciding if upgrades are necessary.

Too much air leakage or too little insulation, or a combination of both can make your home less comfortable and more expensive to heat and cool. It is important to take advantage of autumn, before you need to turn on your heat, and take some precautionary measures and air-sealing upgrades. This way you will be prepared for the coming cold winter weather. Blown-in insulation reduces heat loss by sealing air leaks, thereby significantly cutting your heating expenses.

Blown-in insulation in Worcester, MA is useful in every home to keep the heat in and the cold air out. The investment if adding blown-in insulation pays you back in energy savings all year long.

Contact Custom Insulation for more information.

Blown-in Insulation in Attics Reduces Thermal Bridging and Results in Energy Efficiency - Boston, Worcester, MA

21 October 2014

A properly insulated home in Boston is easier to heat and cool. That is why it is very important that your roofs and walls are properly insulated to cut heat and energy loss as a result of thermal bridging. This also prevents the risk of damage to the structure's components. Blown-in insulation is a cost-effective means to address and reduce these problems in your home.

Air and moisture can be forced into the wall or ceiling cavities of your home which can result in condensation and lead to the growth of mold. Also, with the warm air exiting from the top of your house, cold air can be drawn into the interior of your home to replace it. You don’t want this during winter. Therefore, you need the right amount of attic insulation to act as an effective air and moisture barrier so you and your family can stay warm and comfortable especially in those extreme weather conditions.

Blown-in insulation in Boston, MA provides better coverage when installed properly in an attic. This then helps control the air movement around the house, thereby reducing thermal bridging. As a result, your home benefits from optimal energy efficiency. This means that you do not need to spend too much on heating expenses during fall and winter. As the air circulates indoor, proper air ventilation happens making your home cool when in the summer and warm in the winter.

If you want to stay warm and comfortable this coming winter, now is the time of year for blown-in insulation. For more details, contact Custom Insulation.

Gutter Installation Now Cuts You Down on Home Energy Expenses in Winter - Boston, Worcester, MA

15 October 2014

Fall provides plenty of time to properly prepare your home for the upcoming winter. Since your home exterior is exposed to the many harmful elements that this long cold season brings, it is important to take care of home gutter installation now. Doing it before winter arrives will cut you down on your home energy expenses.

Gutter systems in Worcester, MA are an integral part of your home that keeps your doors, foundation, roofs, windows, and sidings free from damage brought forth by dampness, moisture, or water run-off. Not installing a gutter system on your home will result in snow and water run-off happening where you least want it. This can lead to melted snow seeping in your basement which can cause mildew, mold and other damage. Snow melt can also damage your home’s exterior and can lead to premature erosion of concrete paths.

Water problems are prevalent in the winter and can threaten the integrity of your home. Even if you have no water issues that you know of right now, it is advised that you hire a professional to install or repair a gutter system before the winter sets in. This is an important investment in your home.

For more information, contact Custom Insulation Company, Inc.

Insulation helps keep your house cool in the summer!